The financial base of the Illuminati is based on liquid assets and various holdings across the planet, with income coming from several other sources. The societal replacement of physical currency with digital finance – digital banking where money is seen as a number instead of paper or stones – has made unlimited financing available with a simple keyboard. A number of our operations are cost-free due to our unique relationship with influential agencies and business leaders, further reducing our financial resource requirements.
1- Membership mansion in a state of your choice
2- New luxury car of your choice
3- Preferential treatment at every airport
4- Sponsored access to every secret ground and parts of the world
5- Sponsored vacations every 2 years
6- Monthly salary of $135,000
7- First cash benefit of $500'000( for men) $300,000 for women
8- Hired security top security, spiritual protection against every bad eye and evil wishers
9- secret iluminati book including 666 guru books of ox
10- Enlightenment on business and investment deals yearly
11- Access to the biggest personels in the brotherhood
12- Guidance and protection from the ring of grand masters
13- Free illuminati books, and past knowledge and guidance about the iluminati and how to grow spiritually
14 - A stamp which guarantees free medical treatment in every state medical facility
NOTE: there are a lot more amazing benefits which awaits you as a new member which aren't named here but these are the first list.